Alleged Misconduct: Missionary, “Jason Shenk” Accused of Defrauding Christian Donors of $33M

The US Department of Justice has issued a warrant for the arrest of a 45 year old Georgia man, Jason Shenk, who posed as a missionary, and defrauding Christian donors of approximately 33 million dollars.

Jason Shenk, who is now on the run, had beseeched Christians to open up their hearts and their wallets so that he could buy Bibles and other christian literatures for their Chinese brethren.

According to prosecutors, Mr Shenk allegedly used  part of the donation to gamble in an online casino, buy diamonds, gold, and to pay the company running his family’s farm.

Mr Shenk allegedly ran the scheme between April 2010 and July 2019.

The US Department of Justice is reportedly not the only law enforcement agency on Mr Shenk’s tail, prosecutors said that international agencies are also hunting for Mr Shenk. The alleged scammer renounced his US citizenship in 2016, allegedly to avoid financial reporting required under US law. If Mr Shenk is convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison, as well as the forfeiture of any of his ill-gotten gains.